No. You are not required to provide any supplies, cleaning products, or a vacuum. The cleaners have all professional-grade products and supplies needed to complete the jobs required.
One of the best things you can do is make sure there is as little clutter as possible. The cleaners will need to have access to surfaces to clean and if they are covered up by too much clutter they may be inaccessible. Make sure the floors are clear of items and debris. Communicate with your cleaner when they arrive (if you are home) a plan to make sure the cleaner has space to clean. Children, pets and other adults in the way can really hinder a job from being done in the best way possible. It can also be hazardous. Vacuum cords, cleaning products and supplies will be in the area with the cleaner and to mitigate accidents from happening it is best to give them space. If you have any questions about how to better prepare, feel free to reach out and ask any questions at all!
We accept most major credit cards as well as E-transfers. Our system will automatically generate a hold on funds paid via credit card (including Visa debit) the day before your booked services. This is merely a hold and no funds have been removed from your account. The Visa debit cards will look like the money has been removed from your account. We assure you it has not. Your bank is holding it separately for you until the charge is processed after your services have been completed. E-transfers will need to be received by New Mission Cleaning the day before your appointment.
We take bookings over the phone, sight unseen. In most cases the condition of the home is fairly represented for the estimate given. In some cases, there may be further work needed that was only able to be determined once the cleaner has arrived. It could be extra garbage removal for a move out, extra pet shed, more appliances than previously understood or a number of things. We will always reach out to you to discuss the further scope of work and any additional charges that may be applicable.
The cleaners are paid by the job to complete list/ tasks assigned for each level of service requested. Cleaning by one person may take 2 hours while another person may take 3. We have tested both models of fees extensively and found the best and fairest way to charge is a flat rate. The cleaners will know exactly what they are being paid for the job and our clients will know exactly what the cost of the job will be. No surprises!
Absolutely. The cleaners go through a screening process that includes a criminal background check, and in-person interviews. We also require significant experience in residential house cleaning to work with us. Our cleaners also are covered by general liability insurance.
We are! However, if your pet is unattended when we are entering your home please have them put away or let us know if they are prone to escape or need to be put in a room while bringing in and taking out equipment. Keep in mind it is easier and more efficient to clean without your furry friends in the way.
We will send 1 or 2 cleaners depending on availability, the level of service requested and scope of work represented in the booking.
      • Weight:  We have a 30lb weight limit for safety reasons. Moving smaller items like dining table chairs, small ottomans etc to clean under is perfectly ok.  If you would like any heavier furniture or appliances cleaned under, you’re welcome to move it and cleaners will be happy to clean under it upon request.
      • Height:  There is a limit to a 2-level step stool MAXIMUM. Safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please keep in mind that in most cases, the tops of standard kitchen cupboards is the maximum limit of height. Some lighting fixtures may also be out of reach
      • Clutter:  Cluttered areas will be worked around to the best of the cleaners ability. The same goes for areas used for storage, like underneath beds and on top of cabinets.
      • Outdoor areas:  The cleaners equipment isn’t designed for cleaning outside surfaces such as patios, decks, rough concrete floors, unfinished basements, garages, exterior windows etc.
      • Pet Mess/ Bodily Fluids:  This includes but is not limited to litter boxes, pet messes, bird guano, blood, feces, urine, vomit, and overflowed toilets. Cleaning bodily fluids (including that of furry friends) is something the cleaners do not  do as it requires specific cleaning methods and training beyond the scope of what a residential cleaner can provide.
      • Mold:  Some amount of pink/ orange mildew or even darker mold is common in some homes. Don’t worry- the cleaners can clean small amounts of mold.  Large amounts of mold in shower areas, on walls, etc can affect air quality and pose a health safety issue. The cleaners are not able to clean in rooms that are heavily affected by mold, or in homes with mold infestations.
      • Bugs:  We apologize that we arent able to offer post-fumigation cleanings. We ask that any bug infestations or fumigation clean-ups are completed in their entirety before the cleaners can enter a home.
      • Fireplaces:  The soot/ ash from the inside of a fireplace will damage equipment, especially vacuums.  However, cleaning off the base in front of the fireplace is no issue at all.
      • Laundry:  We do not offer any laundry services such as washing/ drying or ironing your items.
      • Carpet Cleaning:  We do not offer carpet cleaning services as it requires specialized equipment.
      • Other Items we do not clean:  Inside of light fixtures, unreachable light fixtures, window screens, cloth blinds or drapes.
      • Items NOT included in your cleaning service:  Inside of dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, inside of heat registers, anything requiring disassembly to clean or cleaning inside/ underneath your hood fan.
      • If there is something you do not see on this list, please feel free to ask!
Mistakes happen and cleaning can be subjective, but we guarantee nothing less than a flawless resolution to our mistakes. We offer a 48 hour satisfaction guarantee for those scenarios when you are not 100% happy with the cleaning services. So, how does the 48 hour 100% guarantee work? Let us try and fix the issue. If you are unsatisfied with your service, please let us know within 48 hours of the service in question and we will send a cleaner back to handle any issues, free of charge. No questions asked.

We require 1 full business days notice if you need to cancel or change any upcoming appointments. When you provide 1 or more full business days notice, there is no cancellation fee. If you provide less than 1 full business days notice, you will be charged a $50 cancellation fee. If you cancel your appointment the day of, or we cannot gain access into your home, you will be charged half of your appointment cost

We are ready to help you.

Take a Step Towards a Clean Home